[Rubrics] Finding Rubrics

When a teacher wants to add a rubric to an assignment, they currently have to search through all of their courses to find the right one. This may require them to scroll down a long list before they find the right course. While it is helpful that rubrics are available to use from other courses without importing them, it would be more efficient to have two options on a menu or tabs:

1) Rubrics from this course (Default view)

2) Rubrics from other courses


This would allow teachers to add rubrics from the most likely place and also allow them to search through their other courses if they wanted.

Community Member

Finding rubrics is a nightmare if you have taught many different sections of a class using different assignments over time. There is no organization or ability to sort by semester. I hope they improve the functionality. 

Community Participant

I've been using the rubrics more, and now find that it's a pain to search for previously used ones. It would be a big help if the class you're in when you open the rubric box would appear on top, then other classes as they are by name. My classes all have very similar numbers, so I struggle to get to the right place!

example of rubric search. Notice the similarity of the course names/numbers.example of rubric search. Notice the similarity of the course names/numbers.

Community Explorer

When I go to find a rubric I've created and add it to an assignment, for some reason every course I've ever taught is listed and I have to scroll through pages of courses to find my current course. Rubrics should be prioritized to show the current course first if all courses are going to be shown. My recommendation is that only rubrics for the current course are shown and there is a button that the user can click to show other courses.

Community Member

It would be amazing if when I went to add a rubric, I didn't have to click through all of my courses to find the one I want. I wish I could just search the title of the rubric. 

Community Participant
When attempting to attach an existing rubric to a discussion forum for grading, the subaccounts and course options appear from left to right with the choices showing below the scroll in longer rubrics. This is not conducive to using the tool with global standardized rubrics in any quantity. Navigation on the page to attach existing rubrics would be improved by a top to bottom approach with existing options appearing in dropdowns. The addition of a search function (similar to the term dropdown on the Courses page) would further expedite finding the correct rubric if a specific naming convention is employed.
Community Participant

I would say that the issue of updating rubrics goes beyond just finding the rubric from a large number of courses viewed through a little window (that's part of it) but also in being able to globally update or grid update rubrics in a course.

For instance, I have multiple discussions that use the same rubric and recently had to change the points from 10 to 15 points for all of the discussions. In addition to making the points change in the discussions themselves, I also need to make the change in each rubric. In this case, I create a single new rubric and re-attach it to each of the discussions. This process seems to be much longer and more tedious than it should be.

Here's a quick screen capture to demonstrate the current process: https://psu.zoom.us/rec/share/Nvpl2PoKMhHQp-xJ2dK8uf6Mzw-Dr730sk8jyWvCvvHShhUy68QDn2ZXSL6bKGJF.r2qqF...

I'm open to suggestions if there is a faster way to do this!

Community Member

I would like to be able to order (sort) Rubric (on the Course Rubrics page) by date or other ways, not just A-Z.

Community Explorer

Besides differentiating between rubrics from current and all other courses, it would also be helpful to label each course with the term that they were taught in.

We recently received outreach from a faculty member expressing frustration with figuring out which of her rubrics was the most recently updated version. There's no way to differentiate between the courses in the Find a Rubric list since course codes sometimes will not change from semester to semester/year to year, see screenshot below:


Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 2.16.40 PM.png


It would also be helpful if the classes could be listed in chronological order according to their term.

Community Explorer

This idea has been active for over four years and is still "Open for Conversation"! Instructure, why isn't this moving forward? It cannot be that hard to show the CURRENT course when selecting "find a rubric." 

Community Explorer

Yes, please!  I have many, many courses per year based on our quarter-long schedule.  It is difficult to go back and find rubrics.  A filter to "see by course" or "see all" AND a search function would be fantastic