[Rubrics] Finding Rubrics

When a teacher wants to add a rubric to an assignment, they currently have to search through all of their courses to find the right one. This may require them to scroll down a long list before they find the right course. While it is helpful that rubrics are available to use from other courses without importing them, it would be more efficient to have two options on a menu or tabs:

1) Rubrics from this course (Default view)

2) Rubrics from other courses


This would allow teachers to add rubrics from the most likely place and also allow them to search through their other courses if they wanted.

Not applicable

Try being an instructional designer enrolled in dozens of courses. Searching for rubrics takes me a wee bit of time!

Community Participant

Just to add another voice to the mix, we would like the ability to show which Term you're in to the search. Right now, when I pull up a rubric, it shows it just by the name of the class. We have the same name for classes, so my five years of classes (at, sometimes, three semesters a year) add up to clutter up the list.




Some of the classes have different numbers after the 1010, which is a different section, but some have the same. If I click on them, they each have the same items on the side. It is just very confusing to tell me whether it's a class from 2015, 2017, or my current Term classes.

Community Novice

It would be great if the term could be listed with the course title.  Having used Canvas for several semesters, I now have many, many versions of the same course showing up in rubrics.  It is very difficult and time consuming to sort through all the semesters to locate a rubric.

Community Novice

I wish they would fix this.  I have about 10 different course I manage each semester and just to add a rubric that was attached to a previous course is in this giant list of every canvas site I ever managed, including workbenches is so frustrating and time consuming.  

You typically don't realize the assignment is missing a rubric until the first time you grade it.  As someone who also sets-up other instructor's courses, this becomes a nightmare to keep things consistent across the program. 

Community Participant

Since our course codes don't include terms, the course code is the same for the course every year.


We would also like to see the term added when finding a rubric within an assignment, like the course tiles on the dashboard. It would make it easier to differentiate courses with the same course code. 


This would also be handy in other places where the course code (or -name) is displayed. For example in the inbox the course name is displayed. Does someone know when the course name and when the course code is used? Canvas doesn't seem to be very consistent regarding this, but maybe I am missing something. 

Community Participant

I could upvote this twice or three times, I would.

Community Champion

I'm confused by this suggestion. When I go to Find a Rubric, the default for me is that the current course shows (middle column). I thought perhaps it's just that the issue has been fixed since 2017, but I see people more recently posting that it's still an issue. 


Community Champion

Hi Katie, you are right, the middle column when you first open the dialog box shows the current course rubrics.  But if you click on another course, you lose that and there's no way to go back to current course without knowing which one it is in the left column. 

But, I am not finding my current course is at the top of the list as you show - those are the rubrics from the sandbox?  In Chrome, my course list appears to be in alphabetical order.  Your image is also showing the term under the course, which I do not see when using  "Find a rubric" while adding it to a discussion or assignment.  Instead it shows the number of rubrics.  I would love to see your Find a rubric dialog box!  Where is it?

Community Member

One of the biggest nightmares in canvas.

It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to find a rubric when you teach the same course each semester-

I just created a rubric for one assignment in a course and cannot find it to add it to another assignment in the same course/semester-
45 minutes wasted!

This REALLY needs to be resolved!

Community Member

I was just thinking about this problem.  I use rubrics on a few assignments that come up regularly in my courses.  Having access to that particular course FIRST would save me a lot of time.  I've been using Canvas for 7 years, and in that time every semester I have 3 classes that usually divide into 2-3 levels (this is high school fine arts - beginning, intermediate and proficient are all in the same class period). I do cross-list those levels into one course which helps, but with 6 courses every year so far that's a lot to search through. Not to mention my school keeps changing the way they list the course name in PowerSchool/Canvas so there's that. Not to mention I fine-tune the rubrics as I go so of course I want the most recent iteration.