[SpeedGrader] Ability to move through all assignments for one student in speedgrader

As I am looking at the speedgrader assignments, one feature that would be great would be that instead of per assignment, moving from student to student, but by student, moving from assignment to assignment. I am probably not the only one who has thought of a need to pick one student and then review their first assignment, second, third, etc. as teachers do that sometimes when they have to create a final grade. Right now, I have to back up each time to speedgrader to pick the next assignment and reopen speedgrader again.

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I would like to be able to click on a student and easily click through an check their work submissions. 

(ex: a student has 3 assignments they submitted. I want to click through that student and  grade/return all the papers. I do not want to to have to go back to each assignment, find the student, open the assignment, grade it, and then repeat.)

Community Member

I vote a 1000 times yes! We need this feature!

Community Member

Currently, we can use speedgrader to grade one assignment at a time. Is there a way to "speedgrade" by student. So I would like to click on a student and be able to click through all those student's assignments. 

Community Explorer

I want to vote for this one, but I click on the gray stars, they turn yellow for a moment and then they go back to gray and I have no idea if my vote was saved. I VOTE FOR THIS. This is such an obvious time saving feature!!

Community Member

As a composition teacher, this would be very helpful. When I grade on paper I am able to quickly flip through the student’s entire portfolio from brainstorming to final draft and see their progression. In Canvas, that’s impossible unless I want to spend a really long time on each student. I think this feature is necessary for composition teachers. 

Community Member

Yes please. Especially the end of the semester sometimes I need to go through one student's assignments. 

Community Novice

There are times when I provide 2 or more exercises that are intimately related and it would be much better to grade them in a row for one student at a time in Speed Grader, rather than be forced to go tot he new student or exit and renter for the next exercise.

Community Member

I love the ability to click through students, one at a time within one assignment, in Speed Grader with the simple use of an arrow.  This allows me to stick with one assignment and advance to the next student.

However, sometimes I want to select a student in Speed Grader and advance through all assignments for just that student.   It's not possible now to stick with one student and advance to the next assignment. 

It would be a big time saver for me to implement this feature.  As it is, I have to exit Speed Grader to change the assignment.   And then I have to re-locate the student I'm working with. 

Community Team
Community Team

A colleague just inquired about this feature, and it would definitely be helpful! I see this being a great feature, especially at academic checkpoints or end of term.