[SpeedGrader] Ability to move through all assignments for one student in speedgrader

As I am looking at the speedgrader assignments, one feature that would be great would be that instead of per assignment, moving from student to student, but by student, moving from assignment to assignment. I am probably not the only one who has thought of a need to pick one student and then review their first assignment, second, third, etc. as teachers do that sometimes when they have to create a final grade. Right now, I have to back up each time to speedgrader to pick the next assignment and reopen speedgrader again.
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea is now open for vote. Smiley Happy

Community Member

This is a really great idea, as I was just frustrated on grading weekly participation grades. You always like to see how they did the week before and what you told them (I pull up another tab now and go back and forth). So it would be nice do it on the fly as you are grading an assignment be able to go across the grade book's assignments for a student as well as up and down students on one assignment.

Thanks for starting this post.

Don Quick

Colorado State University

Community Champion

You are welcome. We aren't implemented yet, but this was one aspect I noticed immediately when trying to evaluate how I would manage certain tasks. I was told this was how to start the process of getting a new feature.


Rolf Institute

Boulder, CO

Community Contributor

I LOVE this idea. This is super helpful when a student has been absent for weeks or has failed to turn in assignments for weeks and you are sitting down with the student going through past work. Please upvote this idea.  @clong ​ @ataylor3 ​ speedgrader​ speedgrader2​ grading​

Community Contributor

At first I wasn't sure how often I'd use this feature, but as we get closer to midterm, students are coming to me to discuss their progress in the class and decide whether or not to drop. It would be very handy to review all their graded work thus far in the speedgrader.

Community Novice

Oh yes. My wife and I, who both teach using Canvas, read this feature request and said, "Yes, yes" with such delight that we were both a little embarrassed about it. This would really change teaching for us. We talked about how we could take a look at assignment iterations, revisions, and segments of a larger assignment in series.

Community Explorer

This would be very helpful as it would allow us to see comments we made in previous weeks.

Community Contributor

This feature would make the grading so much more practical in the rolling enrollment environment.  Grading is always done on an individual basis instead of en masse for each assignment. Although the Individual View of the Gradebook seems the more likely place for this style of grading to be done, that hasn't proven to be the case so far with that functionality.  ddrake​ and  @blinford ​I thought you might want to vote on this one!!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Until  @shauna_vorkink ​ developed the use case for this, I couldn't figure out exactly why I'd want to vote for this--but she nailed it, and it now has my vote. This would be extraordinarily helpful for courses with rolling enrollments as well as for self-paced courses with no due dates that must be completed within a specified time frame (where some students finish all of their work on Day 1 or Day 2, and others on Day Next-to-Last or Day Last Smiley Wink).

Community Novice

Done and done!