[Speedgrader] Keyboard shortcut to grade all rubric rows in SpeedGrader

Problem statement:

Grading assignments with a rubric in SpeedGrader requires many clicks, which is slow and can cause repetitive stress injury. Submissions usually get the maximum score in most or all rows, so a lot of this clicking is unnecessarily repetitive.

Proposed solution:

Create a keyboard shortcut to set all rubric rows to maximum score (perhaps p for perfect), and another shortcut to set all rows to minimum score (perhaps z for zero).

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@kevinwortman -

That is a good idea to incorporate into the rubric grading.  In the mean time (if you are not opposed to adding in a javascript function and you are allowed to by your institution), then Highly recommend that you check out the following Canvancements by @James .  Personally I believe that all of his rubric canvancements should be put into Canvas - but that is just me.

The one you want to address your idea is Max ratings:

You have to install tampermonkey and then install the javascript.  This script puts a max button at the top of the rubric.  Click on it and the max score for all rubric criteria is entered (note this is done only on those entries that do not have a grade already)

another one you may want to use (good for use on classic quizzes, but not the intended use here) is QuizWiz - form the installation scripts link, select the rubric one. 

This canvancement helps with grading classic quizzes (not new quizzes), but it also provides the extra functionality to Rubric grading by giving you an arrow to click (next to save).  What that arrow does is saves the current rubric score, advances to the next student and reopens the rubric.

His general canvancement page: https://github.com/jamesjonesmath/canvancement


Community Champion

@Ron_Bowman speaks the truth, but I disagree with the part about all of code ending up in Canvas. When Canvas does stuff, they have the power to make it way more awesome than what I can do. But they also have to make it accessible and some of my stuff isn't. On the other hand, that sometimes allows me to do things they cannot. They also want it to benefit the majority of the users, not be some niche product that would add a bunch of configuration options to make it flexible enough to be included.

There's a page here in the Canvas Community for all of the Canvancements. I would typically start people there instead of on the GitHub page as it's more human friendly. It is found at Canvancements - Canvas Enhancements.

But the Max points thing he is talking about was designed to do what @kevinwortman is asking about. Automatically fill in a rubric with the maximum number of points with one click instead of a bunch. And then with QuizWiz, you can use one click to save the rubric, advance to the next student, and open the rubric back up.

Community Champion

Thanks @James .  I was not too clear on my incorporation of the script into Canvas.  What I meant to infer was take the functionality of what you have created and put that idea into Canvas - using whatever method they need to - not necessarily your script.

Also, it looks like the links for the canvancement page James mentioned have been updated.  I believe some of the links were broken when the forum moved to the new format, but now the 10 or so I clicked on seem to work.  Plus it has the new max rubric rating link at the top, so the page has recently been edited and therefore all the broken links fixed.

Community Champion

Ron ( @Ron_Bowman ), I updated the broken links in early April 2022 when I wrote the Autofill Maximum Rubric Ratings script. When we first switched to the new community software, I didn't have the ability to edit the page since Kona created it. At some point, the community moderators gave me access to edit the page. Then 6 months later or so I finally got around to updating it 🙂

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Thanks @Ron_Bowman for the suggestion, and thanks @James for developing this. The max-ratings canvancement addresses my use case and will improve my productivity.

I do agree that it would be better for Instructure to implement these basic UX improvements.

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