[Student Grades] Add 'submission date' to the student grades page

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

As admins/teachers, as well as for parents, the best way to see all grades for a student in a course is from the student grades page:

155050_Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 12.06.43 PM.pngScreen Shot 2016-01-12 at 12.06.43 PM.png


It would be great to have an extra column showing "Submitted" time/date either before or after the "Due" column. This would give us all the necessary information to speak to a student or parent about a student's progress without having to click into each submission. This column should be blank until the student submits the assignment, adding an additional visual indicator (other than the white background) for showing something is not submitted yet. As this is the only place parent observers have to see their student's grade, it would be vital information for parents looking to make sure their student is working consistently, not putting things off and submitting them all at the end of each week/month, right before the parent checks.


For another use case, we have an advisor role that frequently speaks with parents. The parent calls in asking why their student is behind in Algebra, as they've been working in it for hours every day (which is what the student is telling the parent).


Here are different scenarios that require different parent intervention but are currently all identically displayed on this page:


1. The student worked consistently and on pace for 3 months and then have done nothing for 3 months

2. The student has been working consistently but at a pace slower than the ideal. Our students are permitted to do this as we're work at your own pace, we'd just like the parents to know if this is the case.

3. The student did not start working on this course until 3 months after the start date. They have been working consistently since then, but are still behind.

4. The student started at the beginning, did not work for several months in the middle, and is now frantically trying to catch up so they don't get caught.


As it is, all situations look the same from this page, which is the easiest way to tell progress for a specific student. It would be great to have an easy place to tell both due date and submission date for a student for all of their assignments.

Community Novice

I feel adding this feature at least on the admin side would be beneficial in several instances. We currently have a "course" set up as a student community that all enrolled students are added to for our specific program. We utilize a pre and post test to evaluate the effectiveness of our program. The student's take this quiz when they are first enrolled into the community course and we want to check the statistics of this quiz at the end of each term. Adding the submit date would make it much easier to see who took the quiz in what term without having to look at each student in the speed-grader. The exact same quiz is in their Capstone course. Tracking this will help with unbiased results. EG a student who takes the pre and post only 2 months apart from their graduation will give extremely different results from a student that takes the pre and post 2 years apart.

Another instance we see a benefit with this feature is the curriculum developer can determine if a particular discussion, assignment or assessment is continually submitted past a deadline can adjust either the amount of time a student needs to submit or adjust the content to make the deadline achievable.

Community Contributor

Hi Andrew,

I haven't followed up on this option yet. But these could be a great feature Idea  or have the ability to export data on CSV document.

Best regards,


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This idea was moved from Under Consideration stage (no longer in use) to the Product Radar stage.  

This change was made as part of a feature idea process evolution.  Find more information, and contribute insights, by joining Focus Group: DRAFT Feature Idea Space

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The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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  Comments from Instructure


This feature is available in Beta. For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-01-17) 

How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an instructor?

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Status changed to: Completed
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For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2024-01-17)