[Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses

Our teachers and student support managers, who keep track of a student's progress across all courses, have an overwhelming need to view all students grades even though they are not one of their teachers. We would love a summary view of student's grades just like students and parents can see when they click on Grades from the Global Navigation. Currently, our staff have to go to each course to see a student's grade in that course, which is far from efficient. We would like for staff to simply be able to click on the student's name and see their progress in all courses they are enrolled in.

I am aware that Dropout Detective provides this functionality, but we do not need the extra features it provides.


Note: This was previously requested in the old community.

Community Novice

One of the things I would like to see if to look at their grades as well as the assignments they have or have not done.  This takes a step past the mastery grade book because if we are going to help find their deficiencies to help bring them back up to grade level and beyond we need this information.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Deactivated user​, I agree that this information is important to getting the full picture of how the student is doing and their level of risk. Dropout Detective does take into account assignments students have or haven't turned in, as well as grades, and logins (how often the student is logging into the course). It also provides a risk-index history - which shows whether the student is improving or going down risk wise.

Community Novice

Although it sounds like Dropout Detective does the job,its cost is the whole reason we are discussing this.  Having this type of thing integrated into Canvas would save that extra cost and that is the entire point of this conversation.  If it is free then disregard my entire post.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Nope, not free, but it isn't nearly as $$ as you might think. We are a pretty poor (like my budget got shut off in February) Institution and we're able to afford it. Yet, I'm pushing for this because I agree it would be amazing and make my life and others much easier if Canvas had this built in! My dream is that Canvas will integrate Dropout Detective into their system so everyone will have it at no extra cost.

Community Contributor

We're a roll-on, roll-off course, meaning that we don't have due dates built into the courses. To work around this would have created extra work. In addition, we are really just interested in seeing all of a student's grades, but don't need the extra risk assessment. There were still too many steps to click through and too much superfluous content to get to the meat of what we need.

Community Novice

This would be very useful for schools that have a homeroom/advisory system. I am currently looking at a script that was made by another institution that will allow me to pull make all advisers observers of all of their advisees by creating a second login. It would be great if a class can be great if a teacher could be designated an adviser for a one class granting them immediate observer roll and access to progress dashboard for all of the classes of that student. Even better would be the ability to see through a dashboard the progress of all of one teacher's advisees.



Hi, folks!  I'm Chris and I'm part of AspirEDU, the Dropout Detective people.  As  @kona  and others have mentioned on this thread, we do provide a screen that lists all courses and grades for each student on a single page, updated daily.  And while we're not free, we're very reasonably priced and offer a lot more features than just that one screen.  If anyone is interested in further conversation, please come over to our new Partner page here at AspirEDU​ .  Thank you!

Community Champion

​Hey Chris. Cool product. Would be interested to have a chat. We are a British International School in the Netherlands. We use SIMS MIS and are considering take up Canvas. Wonder if you have tested your product in school environments outside of US?


Hi, Gideon.  Yes, I'd love to talk to you.  We do have a Canvas client based in Germany, SAE Online, using Dropout Detective.  I do want to mention something that has been an obstacle in the past -- we retrieve and analyze data from Canvas every night and it's stored on our servers in the U.S.  If your school may not move student data into the U.S., then we don't have an off-shore solution yet.  Our only servers are here in the States.  As long as that is OK with you, let's talk.  My direct contact info:  chris@aspiredu.com and +1 813 994 8440.  My Skype name is chris.munzo.  Thanks for reaching out!

Community Champion

​that may be a sticking point...! I will need to check but will definitely be back in touch.