[Theme Editor] Dark Theme/Dark Mode for Canvas

Hello all! I am a student, and I am here to suggest an idea that I thought would make Canvas more personalized. I think a dark theme would be great for Canvas since some students like to stay up at night (not me), and the bright white light from Canvas can hurt their eyes. The main reason why I want it is because it would look better on my computer. Youtube and Google have these options, why not Canvas? Thank you for reading!


  Comments from Instructure

While we are not able to announce that this idea has been completed, it is important to celebrate that Dark Mode has been added to Canvas Student, Canvas Teacher, and Canvas Parent. (2022-07-05)

Community Participant

I also think that there should be a dark mode in Canvas because students with loaner computers from their organization may block certain extensions that allow for dark mode.

Community Novice

I noticed that the canvas website and canvas app both have a lot of white screens. The color white is very bright, especially for students steering at devices all day. Can we have an option to turn it into a dark screen mode. Sort of how cell phones can. Or even a nightshift mode for nighttime studing. My eyes will appreciate it! 

Community Novice

The possibility to put the whole App in dark mode


Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @EdgarAlejandro ...

A similar, existing Feature Idea already exists called Dark Theme/Dark Mode for Canvas - Instructure Community.  I'd invite you to review that one, give it a star rating, and post a comment as to why this would be important to you in Canvas.

There is a similar Feature Idea for mobile devices: Dark Mode for Canvas Student for iOS - Instructure Community.

Hope this helps.

Community Novice

Please give us a dark mode option.  My eyes hurt.

Community Member

Why doesn't canvas have this yet? My eyes are burning

Community Member

Adding my voice in support of this feature!

Community Novice

I’m surprised that Canvas still doesn’t have a dark mode option, are there any plans for this?

Google Chrome extensions have workarounds, but these don’t necessarily work for students depending on if their Google administrators (I.e. universities) allow for access to these features. I’ve been on a wild goose chase trying to figure out a workaround, but have had to email my particular school’s IT department to see if they can grant permissions. For something that is readily available on so many apps and websites, I’m surprised at how difficult this process is. 

Community Novice

Seems a bit odd this is still not available now that we need to use online resources more than ever...

Community Participant

Still waiting for dark mode for canvas. I use the chrome extensions, but it does not always work correctly. Working with one eye closed at this point:)