[To Do] Have Observer Calendar/To Do Match Student's


Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks.


In order to better track what students have completed and still have to do, we propose these changes to the Observer's time management tools:

  • Items on the Observer calendar "cross off" when the student they are observing submits the lesson
  • The checkmark beside a lesson turn green in the To Do/Coming Up blocks upon student submission
Community Member


Has this request for a new feature been reviewed yet?   This is my first time using Canvas and this was one of the first things I noticed.


As a canvas observer, I would like my observer calendar to match my child's calendar so that when an assignment has been completed and is crossed of on my child's calendar it is also crossed of on mine.

Community Explorer

Yes please!

Community Novice

I am also requesting that parents to be able to have the calendar view display which assignments their student have completed. It is currently a lengthy process for parent observers to enter each class to locate missing assignments and verify that their student has turned in work. Adding a feature to the observer calendar to quickly indicate which assignments have been complete is an important request.

Community Member

As a parent of a child on an IEP who needs my help organizing his assignments, this is a critical component. Showing a strikethrough on completed assignments in calendar view would expedite the process of work prep and help him meet deadlines. Bottom line - efficiency and clarity in one place.

Community Novice

I am an observer, but when I go to the calendar view, I see all assignments whether they are submitted or not. I have to go to each class and hunt around to see if the student has already submitted the homework or not. 

Being an observer like this is useless. I end up having to ask the student did you do this, did you do that.


Please make our (observer) calendar view cross out what's submitted, just like the student's!

Community Novice

Please add the strike through feature for completed assignments to the observer calendar.  It would be SO helpful for the parents to be able to quickly see what assignments their student(s) still need to complete.

Community Member

Parents need an easy way to stay on top of assignments in the virtual school environment.  Please reopen this feature idea for rating/voting.  Our district elementary, middle, and high schools are using Canvas this year, so there are thousands of parents and other observers using Canvas for the first time.  We weren't here to vote when this was first proposed in 2015.

The calendar is the best tool for tracking my 6th grader's complete and incomplete assignments, but it is only helpful when I view it from her account.  Having the assignments crossed off on the calendar that I can see on my parent app or in my parent web browser would take my time spent tracking assignments at night from an hour down to 10 minutes.  It would mean that I can do this on my own time instead of interrupting her to use her computer.  I would rate this as my #1 priority for Canvas updates.

Community Novice

I agree, I think the observer calendar should reflect the students' own. 

Community Explorer

I agree 100% - parents need to have the same easy to interpret view as their students.  This has been floating out there as a suggestion since 2015...time to get this going please!

Community Explorer

This request is to ask for Canvas to enable the ability to have the observer calendar cross off as the student calendar does when the student completes an assignment or quiz. This is a very important feature for virtual learning, as it allows observers to monitor student progress throughout the day in live time without having to log in and out of the student account itself. Many observers are also parents of other children & have jobs, so creating space to make things easier for them to monitor has become a necessity in our environment.


At the moment we do not have the available resources to do this on our own, we need Canvas’s help to bring this to fruition. We would like to implement the same ```calendar__event--completed``` to the ```fc-title``` class within the calendar without being too resource-intensive.  If there is a way please give us some guidance, if not give us some help.

Idea: if an observer only has one student, have the cross-out feature display immediately. If observe has 2+ students, use the drop-down feature @jsimon3  created to lighten the load. The observer would have to select child first, then the calendar items would populate, along with the completion metric: http://ior.ad/7j85