2 teachers 1 course

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We have two teachers that share the same course code.  So all the students are in one course, but the teachers do not want to share their lessons.  So when they assign the work, I have told them to make sure they only assign it to the classes.  However, this is an inconvenience for both of them.

Is there a way to separate their classes, so they do not have to worry about assigning work to the other students? 

They also do not want to share the work they are assigning.  

Please advise...

1 Solution
Community Champion

@kammrath The only way to do this would be to actually create a separate course.  It sounds like you are already using sections but if not, you could put the students in different sections.  You would have same issue where the teachers would need to make sure they are assigning things to their section but that might be easier than selecting students manually if that is how they are doing it.

Here is the guide on creating sections:  How do I add a section to a course as an instructo... - Instructure Community

Hope this helps!


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