API Call for Quiz Score

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I am wondering if it possible via API to get all of the users with a quiz score equal to or above a certain threshold?  For example, I have the following GET statement  $domain/api/v1/$course/students/submissions?student_ids[]=all&quiz_ids[]=$Quiz&workflow_state=graded.  When I run the statement it return all of the necessary information including two fields with scoring information, "grade" and "score".  However, if I try to append my GET statement with either of those variables, such as "&grade[] >= X" the result is the same, I show all users regardless of the score.  Is this possible?

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1 Solution
Community Champion


No, that is not currently possible. You need to download all of the scores and apply the filtering on your end. You will want score for numeric comparisons, grade may be contain non-numeric characters.

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