Account Admin Unable To Access Admin Tools

Community Novice

Hi all.  Our organization has a strange issue.  Our hierarchy is something like this:


  • Account 1
    • Subaccount for testing/etc.
  • Account 2
    • Subaccount A
      • Lots of courses
    • Subaccount B
      • Lots of courses


We have users who are set as "Account Admin" (with all permissions checked) for both Account 1 and Account 2.

User Bob, when going to Admin -> Account 1, sees "Admin Tools" on the left navigation menu.

User Bob, when going to Admin -> Account 2, does NOT see "Admin Tools" on the left navigation menu.


When going to the permissions for each account, everything seems identical.

Are we missing something?


We have manually navigated to <domain>/accounts/1/admin_tools and it works

We have manually navigated to <domain>/accounts/2/admin_tools and we get "Access Denied You don't have access to view this resource."



What on earth are we missing?  We've looked everywhere in the Canvas UI to enable Admin Tools and this doesn't seem possible.

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