App not working like an app

Community Novice

My app suddenly acted as if I had just installed it.  Was using daily, all functions working, then - it was asking for my school, log in.  So I did all that and it takes my into my account page at my school.  The app itself never opens.  Then if I follow a link to canvas from that page it says it does not recognize my password - which is the password canvas verified as correct.  But the point being - I’m never actually in the app.  The blue back button from the set up remains in the upper right corner.  I’ve done all the things suggested.  Deleted and reinstalled app, cleared cache, made chrome the default browser, allowed cross tracking…..What is going on?   Canvas app on my phone works fine.  I can log in online fine.  I just really need the app on my iPad for submitting assignments and tracking due dates.  


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