Auto resize columns?

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Is there a way to automatically (by default) resize all of the columns in a gradebook (at once) so that the entire assignment name is visible and not truncated?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @carl_collins1  - I am totally with you on this, and unfortunately there is not a good way to do this, but keep reading.  First, let me point you towards a Feature Idea that is kind of in the same ballpark that I encourage you to vote "up" and, if you like, comment on: .

Next, DO try--if you have not already--the ability to filter your columns in your gradebook. While it will not provide a solution to the "width issue," it is still a great way to narrow things down considerably that can lessen some of the frustration.  If you use either assignment groups on your ASSIGNMENTS page or modules for your course site, in general, filtering is a wonderful tool. You can find out about it here:   AND, these filters are "sticky," so that they will remain in place the next time you access your gradebook.  (Which can also cause its own frustrations, sometimes, if you forget that you had a filter in place!)

Hope this helps a bit, Carl.

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