Best way to hide a student's assignment upload after they've already submitted it?

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Hi there, 

I'm looking for a very specific kind of function and unsure whether or not there's a good way to do what I'm looking for in Canvas. 

I teach AP U.S. History and one of the key kinds of assessments is the DBQ (Document-Based-Question). The students are asked to write a time-constrained essays responding to a historical question while using 7 documents to use, analyze, and present as evidence in their response. We do plenty of scaffolding of this skillset/assignment type throughout the year, but one of my main assignments each quarter is one of these essays, and by semester 2, I usually have them practicing the real circumstances of the AP exam, i.e. not giving them the prompt ahead of time and following the timing specifications to a T. 

We do this on paper as our school still opts for the paper-based AP exam, so I want them to get used to writing their essays by hand, marking up the docs with pen/paper etc. I realized awhile ago though that I do my best grading electronically and on my iPad, so what I started having them do was as follows:

  • Students write their DBQ in an essay blue book for 1 hour
  • At the end of the hour, everyone scans in their handwritten responses as a PDF and uploads that to Canvas 
  • I then click "download all submissions" as a zip file, annotate them one-by-one giving feedback/grading, then use the "re-upload all submissions" when complete to the same assignment so that each student gets a marked up copy of my annotations. It's worked relatively well so far, and I love that it triggers the "to do" list on my teacher portal to remind me that I have all those essays to grade when a regular paper copy doesn't, and I tend to put them off!


The Problem

  • I recently realized that students between class blocks or for those who need to do the assessment as a make-up now can EASILY see the essays of their peers, as any student in the class could very easily just go into Canvas and pull open their "submitted assignment" to show the prompt to other students who have yet to take the DBQ in class
  • I know that I could mitigate this a bit by just giving each class a different prompt and document set, but I dislike this because 1) it creates a lot more work for me 2) makes grading a bit more difficult as I have to re-set what I'm looking for/the ideal rubric for each class and 3) changes how valid/reliable the grading is for each class, as some prompts/doc sets will have been covered more extensively than others in class and students may struggle more or less with certain prompts. I'd rather keep it universal, if possible 

Solutions I'm Seeking/Thinking About 

  • If there was a simple way to toggle "hide assignment submission from students until graded" kind of setting, this would solve my problem. Students can in their responses on a different device, so if the upload was ONLY viewable in their Canvas profiles, but I've manually hidden that for the selected assignment, it would prevent student A who took the assessment that morning from simply emailing or showing student B their PDF upload the essay over lunch and giving Student B an unfair advantage (the whole point is to assess how well students can quickly use/dissect historical primary source evidence to support an analysis, so it skews the assessment completely). 
  • I thought about using "Quizzes" because I know you can hide their responses for this...? I think there's a "PDF" upload button you can use. However, I'm not sure if I can then "download all submissions" the same way. 

Is there a better way to hide their submissions from them until after grades are released or after some time setting I can implement? Thank you! 

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

I'm sorry. I don't think Canvas can hide the submissions from the students.


I'm not sure hiding the submissions will help much. Students in your 1st-period class can still remember the prompt and give it to students in your 3rd-period class.


Having said that, can you take in the paper assignments and scan them yourself? Some sheet-feeding scanners are very fast. If you also set the assignment to only be available to each class period during that class period, then they can not see that assignment after their class period ends. I frequently turn back paper assignments by entering pics of them in the "Comments" field while in the Speed Grader in Canvas.


I'm sorry I can not do better.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there @EliseMatton! First off, I would echo @RecycledElectro that I'm not sure hiding the submissions would help in this case. Since you are having the students upload a PDF, that means they will already have a copy of the PDF on their devices so the Canvas side really doesn't make a difference.

Now that said, if you did want to keep using Canvas and decided to go the Quiz route, you could. In Classic Quizzes, you can have a file upload question, and prompt students to upload the PDF. You cannot restrict file types, however, so you might get things other than PDFs, just a heads up. As students complete the Quiz, you will have the option to download all files, same as you do with Assignments:

Screenshot 2024-04-16 105526.png

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