Can't unconclude a course

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Community Novice


In our Canvas instance, I can't see the unconclude option in my course setting (screenshot attached).

I followed this doc:

And nothing... Could you help me to unconclude a course please?

Thank you 


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @GuillaumeSalva ...

I think it would be best that you reach out to your school's Canvas administrator about this question.  In the Guide that you linked to, the light blue box indicates that "if and instructor has the appropriate permission to conclude a course...".  It's quite possible that you might not be able to conclude a course on your own...and that is where the additional information in that box indicates that your Canvas admin might need to get involved.  So, I'd recommend reaching out to that person at your school to see if he/she can be of assistance.  Hope this helps a bit...good luck!

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