Cannot start exam in Canvas Begin button not working

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I am trying to take an exam in Canvas, but when I click on the Begin button to start the exam, nothing happens. I have done everything from clear cache and cookies, use a different browser, update my browser to the latest version, update Proctorio to the latest version, etc. The Begin button is not greyed out or anything, and I am able to press it, but nothing happens. I have attached a screenshot for reference.

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1 Solution

@JoshuaHerrera97 ...

Thanks for the screenshot.  I don't have any experience with Proctorio, but this looks to be using the Proctorio interface...which is a third-party integration with Canvas.  There may be some folks here in the Community who have experience with Proctorio, but you may also need to get in touch with your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team ... or even the Proctorio technical support team themselves.

Hopefully you'll be able to connect with people at your school or Proctorio support soon...or even get a response from somoene here in the Canvas Community.  Good luck!

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