Canvas API POST quiz question not working

Community Member

I've been attempting to create quizzes via the canvas api, but am running into issue (exacerbated by the less-than-ideal error handling by the canvas api).

I'm able to create a quiz, but when trying to create a quiz question, I've run into the following two errors:

- A 500 error with no detail on the payload issue

- A 200, but none of the parameters I'm passing are used and I'm left with a blank quiz question

Here is a sample request:

r =
url + '/v1/courses/' + str(course_id) + '/quizzes/' + str(quiz_id) + '/questions',
headers = auth,
json = question


question = {
"question[question_name]" : "Question 1",
"question[question_text]" : "This is a question, pick an answer",
"question[question_type]" : "multiple_choice_question",
"question[points_possible]" : 1,
"question[answers]" : [
"answer_text" : "It worked!",
"answer_weight" : 100
"answer_text" : "This did not work",
"answer_weight" : 0


Here is the response I get:

  "id": 160769,
  "quiz_id": 48977,
  "quiz_group_id": null,
  "assessment_question_id": null,
  "position": null,
  "question_name": "Question",
  "question_type": "text_only_question",
  "question_text": "Question text",
  "points_possible": 0,
  "correct_comments": "",
  "incorrect_comments": "",
  "neutral_comments": "",
  "correct_comments_html": "",
  "incorrect_comments_html": "",
  "neutral_comments_html": "",
  "answers": [],
  "variables": null,
  "formulas": null,
  "answer_tolerance": null,
  "formula_decimal_places": null,
  "matches": null,
  "matching_answer_incorrect_matches": null,
  "assessment_question": null

Any help here would be appreciated.