Canvas Course Calendar sending incorrect notifications

Community Participant

Hi, can anyone advise with more of a support request.

Its probably user error as I can't find any existing information in the community but if not it needs to be addressed urgently.

Students within a course have reported getting notification emails telling them the times for 2 calendar items have changed, when in fact they never have. The Teacher is certain they added an event to the Course Calendar at the start of the month for Feb 20th at 5:30, but on the 17th of January the students received an email notification telling them the times have changed (to later in the day).

I've checked both teacher and staff views in calendar and they are the original time and date Feb 20th at 5:30.

It is mostly likely user error, but can anyone theorise what might have occurred here and if there is a simple way of triggering a new notification without confusing students even more.

Thank you