Canvas Late Flag Bug

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Scenario: Students are allowed multiple attempts to submit a quiz. They submit a quiz on time and are happy with their score. They think all is well. They accidentally open a new attempt, which Canvas automatically submits for them when the late window closes. This final "attempt" is considered late. Canvas then marks all the submissions, even the on time ones, as late, so student is docked the late penalty.

The late penalty should only be applied to the late submissions. Fix this problem!!! It's been 8 years. I'm tired of manually removing late flags from assignments that weren't submitted late.

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @emily_hardegree ...

It doesn't sound like you really have a question here, but rather, it sounds like you are wanting to make a suggestion for an enhancement or change to Canvas.  I'm not sure if you know about this, but there is a separate area of the Community site where you can submit your ideas for evaluations.  When you go to this link, check out the links under the section, "Ideas and Themes":

Instructure Community Guide - Instructure Community (

Check out the Guide on how to create new ideas.  Once your idea has been submitted, then you'll have a chance for it to be evaluated by others.

Good luck!  Let Community members know if you have any questions about this process.

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