Change text on fill-in-the-blank for New quizzes

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I teach medical terminology and like to use fill in the blank questions for students to define words.  The problem is that there is just a blank.  I'd like them to be able to replace the writing in the blank with the correct definition.  Currently I put what I want them to replace in parentheses. Here is an example:

"Most lesions are __________(destructive), and approximately 26% of patients have ____________ (caused by disease) fractures of the affected area upon diagnosis"

It would really be nice if the blank could have the stuff currently in parentheses.  It would be neater.


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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @healthypetvet 

Thank you for contacting Canvas Support. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with fill in the blank questions. For New Quizzes, this does function a little differently than it does with Classic Quizzes. 

Similarly, this is a good thread with other ideas and suggestions in regards to changing the multiple fill in the blank question for New Quizzes. Feel free to check out our Ideas Conversation forum as we implement great ideas such as this that we find within the community:

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