Classic Quiz- Birthday Question

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Is there a way to include a question on Classic Quizzes where students can input their birthday?


Right now I just have an essay question so they can type it out, but I was hoping for one with less room for error.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @SamGrimaldi!

One way to ask this question with very little room for error is to use the Multiple Dropdowns question type. 

How do I create a Multiple Dropdown quiz question? 

You can create one drop down for the month, another for the day, and a third one for the year. Therefore, the only room for error is if the students select the incorrect item in one or more of the dropdown menus.

You may need to include many years in the Year drop down menu depending on the age range of your students.

You will need to select a "correct" answer for each of the drop downs, but I would include some details in the directions for the questions stating that a correct answer is required to be chosen for each of the dropdown menus, but a correct or incorrect answer does not matter for this question.  Also, if this question is part of a quiz that students will be graded on, I would suggest making this question worth 0 (zero) points so it will not affect the overall score in any way.

Hope this helps.  Feel free to reply with any questions.

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