Cloning groups

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Community Member

Hello everyone.

first let me explain the situation I'm facing; all groups were organized from the very beggining of the course, six weeks later I need to move two members of one of these groups to another group.

I was thinking the process would be easy, just to remove these students from the original group, and then register them on the new group.

But then I read a comment suggesting that instead to remove a student, is better to clone groups...

I have been searching for more information about cloning groups, but until today I can't find a comprehensible information that explain how this process work, how to perform the cloning, and other details about it.

does anybody knows where can I get this information... or somebody can enlight me about this.

your help will be appretiated.


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @JosueARamosR ...

The only information I've been able to find about cloning group sets is found at the bottom of this Guide:

How do I view all groups in a course as an instructor?

Hope this helps a bit.

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