Copied Announcement posted on dates

Community Participant

When I copy one Announcement from one Course to another Course in the same term, I'm baffled why the "Posted On" is left blank. Isn't this cause for confusion among students?

According to the Canvas Teacher Guide...

...Copied announcements display on the Announcements Index Page for the course into which it copied [1]. Announcement posting dates are not included in announcement copies [2]....

This seems like a simple thing to correct. The trouble is, when a student sees an Announcement after not logging into Canvas a for a few days, they may get confused as to when some action needs to be taken. Since I use Announcements as reminders to take action for all my students, there's no way that they would know if that action is now in the past, present, or future!

Come on Canvas Devs... Clear this one up...

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