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Course Calendars not checked by default

Community Member

Hello Community,

I hope you're doing well.

I'm Alaa NIZAR, Canvas Admin at UM6P university.

We are experiencing a strange issue with the Calendar tool.

I've created a course and enrolled both students and teachers. However the Course is not checked by default on the Calendar link at the left menu.

When I create an event, it is shown on the To do list, but the course itself is not checked on the Calendar tool!

Course M112 is not checked on the Calendar Tool, as shown in the image attached

How can we have all the courses that a student/teacher is enrolled in be checked by default on the Calendar tool?

It's a bit strange and will lead to missed events and exams by students.

If this is a BUG, while waiting for a solution,  is there any Calendar API to activate Courses in the Calendar tool for all students ??

Thank you for your support!

