Course Copy Not Copying Design Assets

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I am backing up a course that I teach at my institution in my free Canvas account. I downloaded the course content as a .imscc file. When I upload the course package into the my free Canvas account all of the design elements are lost. All I see is the plain text version of the course.

Any advice?


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SarahAckermann 

Can you clarify what you mean by "design elements"?  

If your school has custom CSS/Javascript installed in Canvas, or is using a course design tool like CIDILabs, the custom scripts/formatting from those would not be part of the export package and would not be available on the free Canvas account.

Likewise, if you're linking to images that are stored in your personal files area, those would not be included in the course export.  To troubleshoot something like that, I would probably start by running the the link validation tool ( ) on the new course to see if there are broken links or links to content that is not available.

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