Course Sections - Randomization and/or automation

Community Member

I am working on a creating a course where I'd like two sections. The content is the exact same, but I want the order in which they're permitted to access the material to vary. For example:

 Time OneTime TwoTime ThreeTime Four
Section OneAccess to Quiz AAccess to Video InstructionAccess to Quiz B-all done-
Section TwoAccess to Quiz A-no access, has to wait- Access to Quiz BAccess to Video Instruction


In other words, I am conducting a randomized waitlist control trial. Is there an easy way to randomly assign users to one of two sections, and then manually adjust when each section can access the materials? Or would it be easier to duplicate the original course, and manually enter the users to each section (having randomized them outside of canvas)?


Thank you in advance for any advice/tips!

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