[ARCHIVED] Course color changing problem

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Hello. I am a student. So I’m wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they know how to fix it. I like to put custom colors using hex codes for my courses. But when I do that, certain colors don’t show up and automatically display a duller version of the color on my iPhone. I thought this was just that the app can’t handle certain colors but my iPad and laptop both show the correct colors. 

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1 Solution

Instructure emailed saying:


Thank you for contacting Canvas Support regarding mobile course tiles colour.

Unfortunately It will not be an exact match on your mobile as you have specified in the laptop version. 

Looking in the app, it tries to use the base color of what you picked. It’s not an exact match for the hex codes you chose, but it still shows an approximation.
The app, unfortunately is not able to show the specific colour you picked. From the limited color palate it is still trying to get as close to what you were selecting.

I apologize for the inconvenience. 

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