Criterion Average

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Our school is moving to the 4 point rubric for assignments and assessments.  Canvas has the option to add a rubric to assignments/assessments, but will not average the different criterions.  I can do it by hand, but this seems like an extra step and something the Canvas should be able to do for us.  The whole point of a rubric is to have different components, average them to come up with a score.  I don't want assignments to be out of 8, ,12, 16, 24 . . .  I want it out of 4 and Canvas should be able to do that for us. Why isn't it?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @BethGoenen,

The only way rubrics work in Canvas at this time is to sum the points of all included criterion.  Honestly, every rubric I have encountered at my higher-ed institution (even paper ones or things pre-Canvas) was summative like this.  The idea of averaging criterion values seems feasible, but Instructure would need to find a way to make that an option and also ensure that all criterion had equal possible values for the calculation to work.  Even though this sounds easy, it would definitely add complexity.  I know Instructure is doing some work on rubrics right now, but I'm not sure if this is in their plans.  You can definitely submit it as an idea for official future consideration though!


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