Difficulty troubleshooting user uploads via CSV

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I'm trying to learn how to import new users via CSV. We do not use an SIS. After I import them as users, I will be adding them to a course as students. 

When I try uploading a test users CSV, Canvas tells me that the import has been successful, with no error messages (see attached image). But then the test student I have uploaded does not appear in the "People" section of our account. 

The header row of my CSV is also attached as an image.

Any thoughts about what might be going wrong here? 

(Sorry for the attachments: the forum interface isn't showing me an option to upload an image directly into my post, and it won't let me paste images into my post.) 

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1 Solution
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Community Team

@Rachel_P I recommend that you review the formatting of the users.csv to use for Canvas SIS imports.  This formatting is covered in the How do I format CSV text files for uploading SIS data into a Canvas account? .  Included in the guide is a sample users.csv file that you can use as a template to input your user data.  Canvas isn't creating a new user when you upload the file because the declared_user_type isn't a supported heading.  Since users in Canvas can have multiple enrollment types, there is no use for this field.  

What you are seeing on the "success" page after the import is that Canvas saw one user in the users.csv that you uploaded--that doesn't mean that Canvas created a user or that there were any state changes that resulted from the imported data.

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