Disable Canvas messaging

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Hello, I'd like the option to remove my students ability to contact me via Canvas message. 

The message that gets forwarded to my faculty gmail doesn't include the message history, or allow attachments.  For that reason, it ends up wasting a lot of my time.  I have no need to check two different inboxes, especially when one is not as functional.  I have seen others post about this topic, with no resolution, but the posts were a few years old so I figured I'd try.

Thank you!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @jpatrick2,

If your school/instittuion Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) wanted to disable the Canvas inbox for the entire school. I do believe it may be possible to do via a hidden configuration that a customer success manager, who the team woudl know, could enable.  I am not 100% sure on this, but I know I've seen references to it in the community before.

It's not really possible to disbale the inbox for a single class or user (like yourself) though.  I totally get wanting to have students contact you in a certain way, it;s just something you'd need to communicate to your students through an annuouncement, syllabus, or similar.  I also know you'll have some students who forget or don't read the info and contact you through Canvas anyways, so you'd ned to come up with your own strategy for what to do in that situation.

I hope some of the info may be helpful, even though it's probably not what you wanted to hear.  Conversations with your local Canvas team may be really fruitful though!


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