Discussion Reporting - No Accountability or Context

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The new discussion redesign allows students to report a post if it is "inappropriate; offensive, abusive; or other". However, it seems that the reporter is anonymous and if they choose "other," they are not asked to explain why. 

Is there a way to ensure that those reporting have to provide their name and explain why they are reporting? 

For example, a student's introductory post was recently reported because it showed a photo of her and her friend. It makes no sense why it was reported. For now, I've opted to turn off reporting because I can see students abusing the system. 





1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Discussions Redesign is still in Beta, so it might be something good to submit to them directly

Canvas Release: Discussions/Announcements Redesign

Customer Feedback

Community feedback for the Discussions/Announcements Redesign project is welcome in the Discussions/Announcements Redesign User Group Forum.

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