Displaying ONLY letter grades

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Is there a way to ONLY display the letter grade and NOT the percentage/points? Our faculty does not want number grades displayed at all. I know that you can input letter grades, but students still end up seeing the percentage beside the letter grade. Thanks!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @alison_mann1,

As of today, this isn't really possible in Canvas.  But I may have some good news for you.  If you check out the  Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16) - Instructure Community  document, you'll see that hiding of quantitative data (points/percentages) is an option scheduled to be released in a couple weeks.  My read of things is that Canvas will still have a points-based gradebook to calculate the overall grade (and the points will be visible to teachers), but students would see nothing but the letter grades.

I hope this info helps!


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