Does Canvas search and displaying results based on 'hidden' or non-visible user information?

Community Explorer

Hello forum members,

I'm currently delving into a peculiar problem in Canvas where it seems that one user's data has been overwritten by another's. This may be related to our integration setup, so I might not be able to blame Canvas just yet.

A curious aspect of this issue emerged while using the 'People' search function in the Admin tab. Searching for the term 'tintin' brought up expected results, including users with 'tintin' in their names or emails. However, I also found a user who doesn't have the term 'tintin' visible anywhere on their profile. Both this person and a person with Tintin in the bio are connected to the incident of data overwriting.

This situation raises a question: Is Canvas capable of searching through and displaying results based on 'hidden' or non-visible user information? I would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences you might have regarding similar occurrences.

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!

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