Editing LTI substitution strings?

Community Explorer

I'm looking to add a custom parameter to my institution's Piazza LTI integration. We're moving from another LMS to Canvas and we're trying to make sure we get as much of the same functionality as we were able to before. With the integration in our previous LMS, we were able to remove the last three characters from what would be comparable to the CourseSection.sourcedId substitution, so that all instances of the same course in a given term would go to the same course in Piazza, i.e. we were able to remove the identification of a given instance of a course such that 20/SU-COMP-111-Y1WW, 20/SU-COMP-111-Y2WW, and 20/SU-COMP-111-Y1FF all ended up in the same Piazza class (as the field would be 20/SU-COMP-111-Y for each course). Does anyone know if it is possible to do something like this?