Editing published pages without students seeing

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I have a published page for a space on campus I'm working on. I want to publish one version that has basics and a "coming soon" message, then work on developing the page. How can I publish one version, then edit an unpublished version of the same page?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Welcome @RyderFine to the Instructure Community!

What I would do is make a copy of the page once you add that "coming soon" message to it. The process is explained in a page in the Canvas Guides: How do I duplicate a page in a course? The copied page is unpublished, and you can edit that without student users seeing it. When you are ready, you can unpublish the "coming soon" page and publish the developed copy of the page. If you link those pages from a module, you could even keep them both there. I would also make the page names different enough so it's obvious to you which one you're looking it at any given time.

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