Feedback/grading between stimulus questions in New Quizzes

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I am a professor creating a New Quiz that has multiple stimulus questions (each with 3-4 questions associated with each stimulus). As I understand it, the default setting is that the students will need to answer all of the questions from all the stimulus before they receive feedback (eg after the quiz is graded). 

I was wondering if each stimulus with its questions can be graded (or at least feedback given) independently so that if students get a concept wrong once, they won't repeat it again. The way we dealt with this in the original quiz format was to make each stimulus an independent quiz. The gradebook became a huge mess. By using New Quizzes and the stimulus format, we are able to get one grade for all of the cases in a class period. 

Please let me know if it is possible for feedback to be given in between each stimulus in the New Quizzes feature. Thank you.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi, MSwansonM!

Sadly, I do not think this is possible with new quizzes... Yet.

If this important to you, I suggest you fill out an idea here. if it gains enough traction, it may be voted on as a feature that may be added to canvas.

Hope this helps!

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