Google Cloud far superior to Google LTI

Community Member

Our school is encountering some frustrating limitations with Google LTI compared to Google Cloud, particularly when it comes to flexibility and efficiency in managing assignments and collaborations. Here’s a bit more detail on these issues.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

1. Error Correction in Google LTI Assignments

With Google LTI, if you need to correct an error in an assignment file, the process is cumbersome because it often requires deleting and recreating the entire assignment.  With Google Cloud's method of changing the assignment file it was updated simply by clicking on the assignment file and making the changes.  The file was updated for future students that will be opening the assignment.

2. Incorrect Document Link with Google LTI

Linking to the wrong document can be particularly annoying since it often necessitates deleting and recreating the assignment. This is less flexible compared to Google Cloud’s method of simply selecting the correct file.

3. Collaborations with Google LTI

Google LTI’s requirement to manually select individual students for each collaboration can be quite tedious compared to the group selection feature in Google Cloud.

Please keep supporting Google Cloud assignments. It is a cleaner, more user friendly option. Losing the Google cloud functionality will severely impact the teachers at my school. I am afraid many will stop using Canvas if they lose this option.  It has been very frustrating to our teachers to use the LTI this year.