Google LTI 1.3 External tool Alternatives?

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Community Novice

HI ! 

I have LOVED and used External Tool Google LTI 1.3 tool for student submission for the last few years. The students were able to use their Google Drive, make each student a copy of my assignment automatically, and it will show on Speed Grader to grade. Once the students opened their file they were able to click a blue Submit button which was quick and flawless. 

Since the announcement of this option ending. I have found myself to square one.

Does anyone have options for students to be able to submit assignments that will avoid the following:

Submission type: 

JPG, PNG : Loading to my computer lags and sometimes depending on the device it makes me downloaded to my computer.

PDF: Takes a while for students to convert files to

Google Drive: I usually encounter students with file error or they forget to "share" the file for me to preview it on Speed Grader. 

I would appreciate any suggestions that will be a great alternative to the "External Tool" submission "Google Drive LTI/Cloud Assignments"




1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @sarai_jack! Actually, you're in luck!  Google LTI 1.3 is sticking around.  It is Google LTI (the original) that is going away. I would be devastated if 1.3 was leaving as well. You can read more about it here:


I hope this helps!

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