Grade Book question

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Community Member

It would be great if the late penalty could be selectively applied to individual assignments rather than globally. Also, the assigned grades of students receiving a late penalty could be shown in red. It will help quickly identify habitual late submitters in a large class. - gg

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @gopala_ganesh ...

It sounds like you might be wanting to suggest enhancements to the way the Gradebook currently operates in Canvas.  Is this correct?  If so, there is a separate place here in the Community for submitting your ideas to be evaluated.  You can go here:

Canvas Ideas and Themes - Instructure Community (

...and then click on the blue "View and Submit Ideas" button.  On the next screen, click on the blue "Submit an Idea" button.  Or, you can just go here:

Canvas Ideas - Instructure Community (

I'd also encourage you to read through the Guides under the category "Ideas and Themes" on this page:

Instructure Community Guide - Instructure Community (

These Guides will tell you about the development process as well as how to submit an idea here in the Community.

Let us know in the Community if you have any questions about this ... thanks!

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