Grade Reports to identify failing students

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Canvas- is there a way to run a grade report from Canvas?  I am interested in seeing which students currently have a 72 or below in any class.

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Community Coach

@LRWC Sorry that I misunderstood your initial post and made a suggestion assuming you were a teacher. The simplest way to get a report with all course grades is to go to the account Settings page, open the Reports tab, configure the Grades Report (typically by selecting the current term), and confirm. You will receive a link to download the report as a CSV in an email notification.

How do I view reports for an account? 

Many types of reports can be generated on demand from this location.

You will notice that this grade report has many different versions of scores & grades.

  • Current score is the value shown to students, and that's probably the one I would choose to determine who is passing or failing currently.
  • Unposted current score is also worth considering as it shows the score teachers can see when they have hidden some grades (e.g. by setting manual posting policies and not posting the scores they have assigned).
  • The final score treats unscored assignments as if the student has earned zero points, so they always represent the worst case scenario relative to the present. 

These scores are percentages. Occasionally teachers have assignments set up in a way that will produce percentages consistently below or above what we expect. It might be helpful to calculate the average current score for each course (e.g. using an Excel Pivot Table) and flagging the ones that seem like they're not operating in the grade scheme you expect.

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