Grading & Feedback Suggestion

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Some background:

My district is shifting grading focus to a more standards based approach. With that, we are wanting to "delay the grade" and allow for many opportunities to revise.

Speed Grader Suggestion:
It would be nice to be able to mark an assignment as "seen" but leave it ungraded in speed grader. I would like to be able to leave feedback for the student in comments and allow them to resubmit before applying a grade to their work. However, as it stands now, to clear out the yellow dot, I either have to put in a grade which goes against our current practices, or reread all submissions because  I don't know if I someone has actually resubmitted an assignment when trying to grade quickly.

Feedback Suggestion:

The process to get students to be able to view feedback, respond with corrections, and resubmit the assignment is convoluted. Right now, a student must go to their homepage, click on the assignment in recent feedback to see what they need to work on, go back to the assignment, apply the feedback, submit, go back to feedback to leave a comment about what they did. OR have a bunch of different tabs open between the assignment, the google doc, and the feedback

What I would like to have is the ability to see feedback within the assignment OR the ability to resubmit an assignment from the feedback screen. Most of our assignments are LTI or google uploads. 

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @aweger ...

You've got a couple different suggestions going on here, and there's actually a separate place for making these suggestions here in the Canvas Community.  It's over in the Feature Ideas space.  You'll want to separate out each of these ideas into their own ideas.  You can read more about how to create new Feature Ideas and the whole process behind it by visiting these Guides:

I hope these resources will be of help to you.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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