Heavy Load

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Community Champion

My students continue to get this message regarding the website is under heavy load.

heavy load.png

Interestingly, I find no advice when I search the Canvas Community for related searches.

So, I decided to head to Google and this search shows me that this is a common problem. 



1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @rislis ...

This may not be a full and complete answer to your question, but have you checked the Canvas Status page?  There's a relatively new feature at the top of that page where you can view the uptime history for your specific Canvas environment.  You can input your school's Canvas URL and get some specific data about it.  Again, not sure if this will be of help to you or not, but I thought I'd pass it along just in case.

Hoping others here in the Community might be able to help you out with this question.  Good luck!

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