How can I view all the grades of a single student as an Admin?

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I would like to be able to see an overview of all the grades of a single student, without having to go on each individual course page's gradebook, or using third parties.

I've seach Admin tools, Analytics, Outcomes, etc, but nothing seems to work properly.

The only solution I'm currently using is to use the Act-as-User function, going on the Dashaboard, switch to the Card View (in case the student is using a different view) and click View Grades.

Is this feature accessible as an Admin, without acting as the user?

If not, could this be added on a user profile please?

Thank you

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @MarcoCosentino ...

Are you looking for all grades for all assignments for a given student?  Or, are you just looking for an overall final grade for a given student?  If you are looking for an overall final grade, you could download the "Grade Export" file from the "Reports" tab of the administrative "Settings" page in Canvas.  This report would produce many, many rows, so you'd have to do some sorting in the spreadsheet to get the data you were looking for.

How do I view reports for an account?

Would this work for your needs?  Or, are you looking for something more?

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