How to change bullet point/numbering font colour

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Could anyone please advise how you can change the font colour of bullet points numbering when used within a cell in a table as below?  As currently, I do not appear to change their colour to match the text font colour (example below).  Many thanks.

Screenshot 2022-02-15 105412.jpg

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @m_millar2 ...

Are you looking to accomplish something like this within a cell table?

Screenshot 2022-02-15 165257.png

If so, I did a bit of searching on the Googles, and I found a bit of HTML code that you can add to your page that should accomplish what you want.  Here's a portion of the HTML code from a table I created in my own sandbox course:


<ol start="6">
    <li style="color: white;"><strong>Allowed / Disallowed Items:</strong>
            <li><strong>Pen / Pencil:</strong> 3 pens and/or pencils</li>
            <li><strong>Note Paper (lined, blank, squared):</strong> 5 pieces</li>
            <li><strong>Handwritten Notes:</strong> No</li>
            <li><strong>Typed Notes:</strong> No</li>


You'll notice that I am defining the color, white, in the second line of code.  The color I defined here then filters down to the sub-bullet items as well.  (I don't think there's a need to also specify the color for those four sub-bulleted items...unless you wanted to make those a different color other than white...which, in my own testing, worked as expected).

I hope this will be of some help to you!  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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Hi @m_millar2,

@Chris_Hofer provided a great example of how this would work. You can create custom appearances like that using the HTML editor.  

While I don't have a whole lot of experiencing with design like that, it would be worth checking if your school/organization has a dedicated designer. I see that often times schools will employ someone for these specifics tasks.

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