How to request a font to be used specifically for a foreign language?

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I am an instructor currently using Canvas for our courses. Is there a way to request a font (BIZ UDMincho) to be able to be used in Canvas.  This font will help show Japanese characters in handwritten form instead of computer font form, which makes a difference.  Many of the students are seeing the computer font form of the Japanese hiragana characters, and end up writing it that way because they see it all through Canvas.  No matter what we tell the students, some/large majority of the students end up using the computer font style characters instead of the handwritten way of writing the hiragana, which is not correct.  If there is somehow to include the font BIZ UDMincho (which google doc has, so if you would like to test it out to see what I mean with the characters: "sa," "ki," "ri," to just a name a few) that may help on seeing what I mean. (If you do try this, you must click enter/return after typing "sa" to see the correct character. さきり <--computer font form.  

Thank you.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @dianna_hall 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with adding a specific font to your course. While Canvas does have Japanese, they may not have the specific style or format (hiragana) that you are looking for. The short answer is - you may be out of luck. There isn't really a way to customize specific fonts or make alterations to the other languages that are here already. The Japanese characters that you and students see by default are likely the only ones that you will be able to use. You may want to speak with your school directly and come up with some alternate ideas - there may be some app or configuration your school can help setup to use the characters you need. Or you may need to have some of the work done outside of Canvas if these characters are important for your course. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for but hopefully it provides some clarification. 

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