Import Assignment and Rubrics from Blackboard to Canvas

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When you import your course from Blackboard to Canvas, will the rubric and assignments be imported or do you need to import each assignment, rubric, and module individually? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Dr. J.

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Good morning, @Drkjohnson13 ...

Full's been many years since I have used Blackboard, and even then it was just to try it out on a trial basis...not really use it in any large capacity at our school.  I was trying to find a video on YouTube that would show if rubrics imported over from Blackboard to Canvas.  What I found when I was watching some videos is that during the export process in Blackboard, there appears to be an option when selecting the content to export...that Rubrics is a check-box option.  So, if you include that option, my assumption is that those rubrics will then copy over to Canvas.

I'm not sure if your school has a paid version of Canvas or if you are using the Free For Teachers version of Canvas, but another option for you would be to try importing the course from Blackboard in a sandbox course within your Canvas environment.  That way, you can see if things are working the way you expect them to.  If you don't have a sandbox course, talk to your school's Canvas administrator to see if one can be set up for you.

Yet another way to try this out is to use your school's "test" environment.  This is included if your school pays for Canvas.  You can try things out in your "test" environment...and it won't disturb anything that you normally do in your school's "production" environment.  (The "production" environment is what you typically sign in to on a day-to-day basis.)

Hopefully these resources will be of some help to you.  I'm sure there are others here who have made the migration from Blackboard to Canvas and can give you more details on how things worked for them.  But, in the meantime, you might want to give some of the ideas I've shared above a try.  Keep us posted...thanks!

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