Is there a way to bulk change exit slip (quiz) point values for ALL the exit slips (quizzes)?

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My county is (I am) using a Virtual Virginia outreach course as a base. Within the base VV course are over 100 exit slips with pre-set point values. To avoid student and parent confusion over the math conversion to a 100-point system prior to entering grades in to PowerSchool, I wish to change all the Canvas exit slip point values to 100 points. Is there a way to bulk change ALL the exit slip point values, or must I change them one by one? Thanks to all!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks for answering that. I'm not an expert in PowerSchool, so the first question I would ask is whether  PowerSchool displays a percentage or points. 

Sticking with the Canvas gradebook, what you could do is export the grades from Canvas and then use a formula in spreadsheet software to convert those scores to a 100-point system. You could then import that file back into Canvas (make sure to keep it a CSV file). It might be better to import those adjusted scores to a new gradebook item if you want to preserve the original exit slip score.

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