Is there a way to have the rubric grade scale itself to the assignment grade?

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Hi all!

I am somewhat new to teaching and to using Canvas from the teaching side, so hopefully there is a feature for this or a workaround or something that I don't know of.

I have been messing with using rubrics for grading, and they're great! However, all the points that you outline in the rubric seem to be strictly attached to the points in the assignment. For example, if you make an assignment that is 80 points, the points you have in your rubric need to add up to 80 points (or else it will ask you to either change the assignment grade or accept that the max points the rubric will give won't line up with the assignment points and may go over/under).

The thing is, I am still figuring out the ratios between all the grades in my courses, and they are far from set in stone. If I realize I need to scale up/down the importance of a few assignments for the overall course grade, I would like to be able to just turn the assignment points up/down a couple decades or so to get a good balance. However, if the grade is based on a rubric, I will need to go through the whole rubric to shift all the assigned points values from the rubric to match the new max score for the assignment. This is very tedious.

What I would like is a way to have all my rubrics be out of 100 points, and then I can apply those rubrics to an assignment of any point value and have the points from the rubric scale up/down to match the assignment. For example, if I have a 100 point rubric, I could apply that rubric to an 80-point assignment and giving a student 100 on the rubric would translate to a grade of 80/80 points (100%). That would also allow me to have one rubric for, say, graded presentations in class, and I could re-use that one rubric for any presentation even if the presentations have different point values.

Does anyone know of any way to do something like this? I can't seem to find a way to do this or anything similar.


1 Solution


I believe that is all the information available; however, you could post in the comment section about what you want more information on and you may get a response.


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