Logging out of all devices

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A few days ago, I had to submit an assignment on Canvas, but because the computers weren't working, I asked my friend if I could borrow her phone so that I could submit it. The next day, I realized what I had done. My username and password were on HER phone, which means she has access to all my work, grades, tests, e.t.c. I'm worried that she might do something to my work, and I have signed out of Canvas several times on my computer, yet I do not know if I am stil logged into her phone. When I sign out of my Canvas on my computer, does it sign out of all devices?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


Logging out of Canvas on your computer will have no effect on your friend's phone app (or any other device) being logged in with your credentials.  However, she will not be able to log in under her own account without logging out of yours.

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